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Shine Bathroom Technologies (ABC), LLC

Assignor:  Shine Bathrooms Technologies
Assignee:  Shine Bathroom Technologies (ABC), LLC
Assignment Date:  January 20, 2022

Please note that Shine Bathroom Technologies, Inc., as Assignor made a general assignment for the benefit of creditors (ABC) to
Shine Bathroom Technologies (ABC), LLC (“Assignee”), a special purpose entity organized in California to liquidate the assets of Assignor, compile claims, and distribute proceeds, if any, to creditors according to the priority established by law. Except for the relationship created by the ABC, Shine Bathroom Technologies, Inc. and Assignee have no corporate affiliation.

This landing page which includes links to relevant documents below and an electronic claim form is a service provided by Creditors may file or amend claims prior to the bar date (deadline to file a claim) using the electronic form below, however, it should be noted that making a claim does not guarantee a distribution from Assignee.

Click Here for a Copy of the Equity Write-off Letter [/su_button